Facebook 10th anniversary gifted A look back video Feature to Facebook Users

We know that facebook is an awesome social networking platform Which have large amount of users. Facebook allows us to communicate anyone for free with facebook accounts. It changes the whole face of social networking concepts.Daily 1000's of accounts creates on facebook because of its large Popularity. Now facebook becomes more viral and its available to our palm. Most of multimedia,smart phone prelaunched facebook apps in default. Facebook is one of the tenth site in alexa.

Lets come to our point. Facebook launched a new feature called Look back. Its a new feature of facebook.. The founder Mark Zuckerberg announced this feature as a gift fo facebook 10th year anniversary. Look back feature is an animated video consists of our last whole history of facebook. Which shows most liked pics, most commented , most shared, most viewed, etc. This is the link to facebook look back video. Facebook already shows a default video of your's most liked,commented,shared, pics. That we can edit the video by clicking the edit button. We can choose custom pictures, our own pictures underneath of your video. Which makes it professional. I think its great gift from facebook. We can look back ourself to these feature. You can edit, update, share. Create awesome look back video and feel greatful and get comments,look back tou your past in facebook.

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